4/5 哈,很法国了。也就只有侯麦吧能把这样一个两位女主角分别爱上对方心仪的男人并且结局都幸福的在一起的dramática的爱情故事讲述的如此清新优雅不落俗套。服装搭配顺应人物关系的转变而变化真的非常用心了。非常喜欢几乎是侯麦影片必备的几大元素:精心搭配却又随意多彩的服饰,各种用餐谈话镜头,以及在大自然中的散步谈心。最最突出的特点就是大量但不会让人产生倦怠感的对白,有时非常具有哲学意味,结合着布景和造型,是了解法式文化风格的比较好的素材。
Replay in 40's America of the age-old confrontation between Light & Darkness, Truth and Lie, Good and Evil. The dreamy & pure-hearted, after pouring her soul in a sweet illusion, awakes from her whimsical fantasy after a first Shadow is casted. The mask of deceit, hiding the ugliness of a whole person within, gets pulled off by the white hands of the maiden. The revelation of the true identity cannot be made public, as the ties of the imposter may tarnish the reputation of the family. The villain, after repeated attempts to get rid off our hero, fails and falls into an abyss from which he cannot do any more harm. The true story remains a secret, unknown to all but the main protagonists